Praise for
Searching for Van Gogh: a novel
"Literary excellence.... Donald Lystra's genuine flair for creating memorable characters and a distinctive narrative-driven storytelling style qjuickly engages the reader's total attention from start to finish."
"Lystra masterfully blends perswonal and social aspects, constructing a story that remains vivid in the reader's memory long after finishing.... Inspired and deeply satisfying."
—KANSAS CITY STAR, Christine Pivovar
"Supurbly told coming-of-age story. Magically, the author transforms Audrey Brubeker, with all her eccentricities and flaws, into the ideal mentor for Nate Walker (the narrator)....An excellent book."
—DENNIS TURNER, author of bestselling What Did You Do During the War, Sister
"Don't miss this one.... There is a deliberate carefulness, a delicacy even, that characterizes Lystra's writing.... I'm not sure how he does it, but it works.... And in the process, he is doing the writer's job - telling the truth, one sentence at a time. This is fine writing of the highest caliber. My very highest recommendation."
—TIM BAZZETT, author of Soldier Boy and four other titles
“Well-crafted, thought-provoking coming-of-age novel...rewarding readers with its reveal of emotions, secrets, and innuendois throughout..”
Calling this book a coming-of-age story doesn't do it justice.... set in 1963 America, in the backdrop of the Vietnam War and the Kennedy assassination---- Lystra has given the reader much to think about which may be equally pertinent in the very troubled America we live in today.
–Goodreads reviewer
"This is such a beautiful coming-of-age novel about two young people who connect over traumatic events they slowly reveal to one another..... Lystra takes a magnifying glass to the moments of possibility.... As the novel progresses, Lystra whittles the truth out of the events the characters experience in a way that feels exactly right as you arrive at the very last page. A wonderful book.
– Amazon Reviewer